1 kg lemons
500 ml water
250-300 g white sugar
Method :
Slice lemons squeeze to make 500 ml lemon juice filtered .
In a large non-reactive pot, heat the water first, bring to a boil add sugar and simmer 2 minutes, stirring to make sure the sugar is dissolved.
Let the sugar water cool for 30 minutes.
Strain the mixture into one or two non-reactive containers that will fit into your freezer. Let cool to room temperature, cover and freeze until partially frozen, which should take several hours. (If mixture become totally frozen, don’t worry- I realize you have a life and may not be hanging around checking the granita on an hourly basis.)
Take the partially or completely frozen granita out of the freezer and leave it at room temperature until you can break it up into hunks with a large spoon. Grind these hunks in a food processor or blender until it is the consistency of soft snow. Return to freezer until ready to serve. If it freezes too hard, let the granita sit at room temperature for a few minutes, then work the mixture with the back of a large metal spoon until soft.
Serve in glasses or small bowls garnished with lemon verbena or mint. Serves 9-10 cups.